Problem-Solving As A Skill

I have more than 35 years of experience working in the real estateindustry and business world. Throughout my career, I have had to demonstrateproficiency in a wide range of executive-level managerial and developmentskills, one of which is problem-solving.
I have more than 35 years of experience working in the real estateindustry and business world. Throughout my career, I have had to demonstrate proficiency in a wide range of executive-level managerial and development skills, one of which is problem-solving.
Several steps are involved in effective problem-solving.
- Identifying the issues is the first step, since it ensures everyone is clear about what,exactly, the problem is. Keep in mind that individuals often have differing views of what a problem’s particular issues are, and discussing the problem with those most affected helps with collecting important facts about the problem.
- Once the problem is defined, the next step is to develop and list possible solutions. Creativity is an important part of the brainstorming process.
- Assessing the risk of each option and the availability of resources helps when deciding on a solution, as do economy of effort and timing. These four factors allow managers and staff to see a clear picture of an option and understand what is necessary for carrying out said option.
- Once a solution is decided upon, implementation of the plan is the next step. Developing acommunication plan and an implementation process ensures the solution iscarried out smoothly.
About the Author

Calvin D. Boender was raised in the Dutch Christian Reformed area of Highland, Indiana. After high school, he attended Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for three years and thereafter graduated from Grand Valley State College, Allendale, Michigan, in December, 1978, with a bachelor's degree with honors in political science. For the past 35 years, he has focused his attention on real estate by successfully investing in and redeveloping residential, commercial and industrial properties. He has now turned his quick mind and strong business acumen to developing Renew Biomass into a market leader. Cal has been a major contributor to various philanthropic causes and non-profit organizations addressing the needs of children and less-fortunate individuals. He resides in the suburbs of Chicago with his wife and two dogs, where he enjoys reading and biking.